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Share Brief

Now that you have completed all the different categories of the Product Brief with all the requirements, it is time to share the brief with your vendors. Goldn has made sharing your Product Brief easy and secure!

How to Share a Product Brief

First, click on the green Share Brief button.

Next, enter the email address of the supplier(s) you wish to invite to view the Product Brief. You can enter more than one email by using a comma to separate each email address. Click the Continue green button when all the email addresses have been added.

The next screen will require you to add more details for each vendor you wish to invite. These fields are optional but help you track your invites with more information. Click on the Share Brief green button to continue. Note, your vendors will have 14 days to view the product brief.

Vendor Shared Brief Experience

Your Product Brief, when shared, is considered a confidential document. As such, we have taken the necessary precautions with the brief sharing process.

Your vendor will receive an email to notify them that they have received an invitation to review your Product Brief.

When they click View Document, they are redirected to a Goldn page that requires an access code to unlock the brief. This code is sent in a separate email.

Once the access code is entered, the vendor will view the Product Brief in its entirety. Each time your vendor would like to access the brief, Goldn will provide a new access code.

Share Brief Security

Secure Brief Share is enabled by two-factor authentication. When the recipient receives the email and clicks on “view document”, they must return to their email to retrieve the access code. This access code must be used within 30 minutes before the access expires. Each access code email includes a confidential and legally privileged notice:

This message and any accompanying documents contain information belonging to the sender which may be confidential and legally privileged. This information is only for the use of the individual or entity to which it was intended. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or action taken in reliance on the contents of the information contained in this message and any accompanying documents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender immediately and delete the message. Thank you.

Once they access the brief, the complete document is watermarked.


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